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Dynamic Gold MID 115


Dynamic Gold Mid is designed to complement modern day equipment by utilizing a unique shaft geometry to create a stiffer mid-section with an active tip section to promote an increase in launch and spin when compared to other Dynamic Gold offerings in similar weight categories. Coming in a lightweight (100g), midweight (115g) and tour-weighted (130g) option, there is something in the Dynamic Gold Mid family for everyone.

SKU: TTDGMID115 Categories: , , ,


Weight 114g/115g/116g
Butt .600″
Tip .355
Flex R300/S300/X100
Length 37.00″-40.00″
Launch Mid

2i, 3i, 4i, 5i, 6i, 7i, 8i, 9i, PW


R300, S300, X100


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Dynamic Gold Tour Issue MID ShaftDynamic Gold MID 115
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