Availability: 5 in stock
Designed for the busy and tech-savvy clubmaker, the Auditor Digital Swing Weight Scale is an accurate, affordable and easy to use instrument. It has no counterpoise to slide or beams to balance like! Based on the industry standard 14″ fulcrum, this scale measures swing-weights from “A” through “G” in 0.1 SW increments.
The Auditor Digital Swing Weight Scale also weighs fully assembled clubs, shafts and grips to a precision of 0.1 gram. Displayed values can be converted at the touch of button from grams to ounces, kilograms to pounds and swing weights to moments.
For the utmost precision and convenience, the Auditor is easily re-calibrated and requires very little maintenance.
Availability: 5 in stock
Availability: 5 in stock