
Project X Wedge


When transitioning from your iron shafts to your wedge shafts, it is ideal to try and keep the same weight, if not slightly more, while also going to a slightly softer shaft to suit the “feel-shots” attempted with your wedges. Project X Wedge is a wedge specific shaft designed to perfectly complement your Project X iron shafts—allowing you to maintain the shaft weight played in your Project X iron shafts while featuring an optimized flex profile change to match the ideal iron-to-wedge shaft transition.

SKU: PXWEDGE Categories: ,
Weight 115g/120g/125g/130g
Butt .600″
Tip .355
Flex 5.5/6.0/6.5/7.0
Length 36.50″
Launch Low-Mid
Type Wedge

5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0


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Project X 6.0 Wedge ShaftProject X Wedge
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